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- Tag, you’re it ericwbailey.website
- Harm reduction principles for digital accessibility practitioners ericwbailey.website
- Evaluating overlay-adjacent accessibility products ericwbailey.website
- Stanislav Petrov ericwbailey.website
- Considerations for making a tree view component accessible GitHub
- GitHub’s updated Commits page and the interactive list component ericwbailey.website
- Don’t forget to localize your icons ericwbailey.website
Making content-aware components using CSS’
, grid, and quantity queries Piccalilli - Heading elements have been added to Project board views to improve screen reader page navigation GitHub
- Accessibility preference settings, information architecture, and internalized ableism ericwbailey.website
- a11y-syntax-highlighting has been updated ericwbailey.website
- Basic keyboard shortcut support for focused links ericwbailey.website
- These three links spell out a big uh oh for where things are headed when placed in context with each other ericwbailey.website
- Getting To The Bottom Of Minimum WCAG-Conformant Interactive Element Size Smashing Magazine
- Dungeons & Dragons taught me how to write alt text ericwbailey.website
- Short note: Disavowing Snake People 3.0: Slither with a Hiss ericwbailey.website
- Free idea: design token ugly mode ericwbailey.website
- Consent, LLM scrapers, and poisoning the well ericwbailey.website
- Workplace discrimination: another terrible thing Windows Recall might enable ericwbailey.website
- Multipage Version Zine, Issue 1 ericwbailey.website
is a good thing, but also solving the problem at the wrong layer ericwbailey.website - I love my slightly smart tiny TV ericwbailey.website
- How we’re building more inclusive and accessible components at GitHub GitHub
- Invisible success ericwbailey.website
- A perceived contradiction to internalize when working on design systems ericwbailey.website
- Thoughts on embedding alternative text metadata into images ericwbailey.website
- On Jakob Nielsen, AI hype, and accessibility ericwbailey.website
- Oh shit banners ericwbailey.website
- I restyled my Mastodon instance ericwbailey.website
- Accessibility annotation kits only annotate ericwbailey.website
- Websites, politics, and preferences ericwbailey.website
- Zombie Slack channels ericwbailey.website
- Websites are like bridges ericwbailey.website
- GitHub now has a setting to underline links ericwbailey.website
- Equivalent experience can cut both ways ericwbailey.website
- Use of the design system should factor into promotion packets ericwbailey.website
- A year at GitHub ericwbailey.website
- Formative posts ericwbailey.website
- My jeans’ metadata may outlive the company that sold them ericwbailey.website
- The five types of people who produce inaccessible code ericwbailey.website
display: contents
considered harmful ericwbailey.website - Global Accessibility Anger Day ericwbailey.website
- Don’t use custom CSS scrollbars ericwbailey.website
- Sandcastles ericwbailey.website
- Sabbath mode and assistive technology features ericwbailey.website
- I doubled-down on RSS ericwbailey.website
- My Mastodon strategy ericwbailey.website
- Modern Health, frameworks, performance, and harm ericwbailey.website
- Preventing form submission with zero Javascript HTMHell
- Centerless ericwbailey.website
- Swearing and automatic captions ericwbailey.website
is a code smell ericwbailey.website - Yes, accessibility is also a backend concern ericwbailey.website
- Visit for a surprise ericwbailey.website
- Re: Selling your extension ericwbailey.website
- Dot website ericwbailey.website
- Saying thank you ericwbailey.website
- The case for null in design systems Ad Hoc
- Smashing Magazine
- Where do you start measuring distance from when the origin is the bottom of a block of text? ericwbailey.website
- The optics of pair programming ericwbailey.website
- All the user-facing states ericwbailey.website
- #WorstWorkWednesday ericwbailey.website
- Windows High Contrast Mode, Forced Colors Mode And CSS Custom Properties Smashing Magazine
- It needs to map back to a role ericwbailey.website
- The case for adding validation state to your design tokens ericwbailey.website
- Comic Sans is a good typeface, actually ericwbailey.website
- Tribble ericwbailey.website
- Maralinga bomb test ericwbailey.website
- “Evergreen” Does Not Mean Immediately Available CSS-Tricks
- I’ve had enough! When access friction becomes an access barrier Fable
- Chinese rooms, wasps, slime molds, and the problem of other minds ericwbailey.website
- Test Your Product on a Crappy Laptop CSS-Tricks
- Where do you put spacing on design system components? ericwbailey.website
- Your CSS is an interface ericwbailey.website
- The endless search for “here” in the unhelpful “click here” button Stark
- Spear phishing with Slackbot for fun and profit ericwbailey.website
- Insulin dump ericwbailey.website
- 100 ericwbailey.website
- Improving the Accessibility of your Markdown Smashing Magazine
- thoughtbot.com, dark mode, and other user preferences ericwbailey.website
- What they don’t tell you when you translate your app ericwbailey.website
- Forbidden noodles ericwbailey.website
- accessiBe and the false David vs. Goliath narrative ericwbailey.website
- A bad accessibility trend I’ve noticed ericwbailey.website
- Ham biscuit on ericwbailey.website
- Organize your CSS declarations alphabetically ericwbailey.website
- Your Image Is Probably Not Decorative Smashing Magazine
- The lawnmower button ericwbailey.website
- Modifications we’ve made to the Design Sprint thoughtbot
- Don’t use custom CSS mouse cursors ericwbailey.website
- How I grew The A11Y Project to 10k followers on Twitter ericwbailey.website
- Listing posts in Eleventy when you publish offsite ericwbailey.website
- To subset or not subset fonts ericwbailey.website
- Add punctuation to your alt text thoughtbot
- CSS is a Strongly Typed Language CSS-Tricks
- I love my not-smart TV ericwbailey.website
- Mobile Accessibility: How to Build Apps that Work for All Users Shopify Partners
- How to make an ineffective 404 page ericwbailey.website
- Myth: Alternate text and automation The A11Y Project
- Minor version bump ericwbailey.website
- A conversation can be an output thoughtbot
- Should I use an accessibility overlay? The A11Y Project
- Give me a definition for the word “dashboard” ericwbailey.website
- An Introduction to macOS Voice Control thoughtbot
- Implicit cultural norms and accessible social media ericwbailey.website
- How 3 hours of conversation saved a company hundreds of thousands of dollars thoughtbot
- My typical day ericwbailey.website
- Accessibility auditing and ego ericwbailey.website
- Blogroll ericwbailey.website
- Presentation panic ericwbailey.website
How-to: Use the
attribute The A11Y Project - An introduction to macOS Head Pointer thoughtbot
- Open UI and implicit parent/child relationships in HTML ericwbailey.website
- Undercover Founder thoughtbot
- A website is like a puppy ericwbailey.website
- In defense of Mega Man boss lairs ericwbailey.website
- Representation Matters CSS - Tricks
- So you wanna create an eco-friendly website thoughtbot
Using a folder other than
with Eleventy ericwbailey.website - Tailwind versus BEM thoughtbot
- Focus Management and Inert CSS - Tricks
- The world does not revolve around your product thoughtbot
- Saying no to Diez (for now) thoughtbot
- Consider the Tomato thoughtbot
- The radium craze ericwbailey.website
- a11y is web accessibility ericwbailey.website
- Improving the usability and accessibility of a healthcare website by being mindful of reading level thoughtbot
- I don’t want your job thoughtbot
- Mug Handles ericwbailey.website
- Equivalent Experiences: Thinking Equivalently Smashing Magazine
- Equivalent Experiences: What Are They? Smashing Magazine
- Myth: ARIA Has Perfect Support The A11Y Project
- A Complete Guide to CSS Functions CSS - Tricks
- SVG, Favicons, and All the Fun Things We Can Do With Them CSS - Tricks
- How to not make a résumé in React ericwbailey.website
- Using personas in the Product Design Sprint thoughtbot
- Operating System and Browser Accessibility Display Modes The A11Y Project
- What the Web Still Is CSS - Tricks
- Tech metaphors ericwbailey.website
- Truths about digital accessibility ericwbailey.website
- Attempting to corral colors with a Sass function thoughtbot
- Universal Design: 11 Practical Tips to Make Your Sites and Apps More Accessible Shopify Partners
- Lighthouse ericwbailey.website
- Revisiting prefers-reduced-motion, the reduced motion media query CSS - Tricks
- slashbot thoughtbot
- Fighting uphill ericwbailey.website
- Paint the Picture, Not the Frame: How Browsers Provide Everything Users Need A List Apart
- Little Library thoughtbot
- Reader Mode: The Button to Beat CSS - Tricks
- Web components still need to be accessible 24 Accessibility
- Be the Villain 24 ways
- Quick test: Large touch targets The A11Y Project
- A designer developing for Android thoughtbot
- Quick Tip: Use the “lang” Attribute for Better Accessibility Envato Tuts+
- The Importance of Heading Levels for Assistive Technology Envato Tuts+
- The Importance Of Manual Accessibility Testing Smashing Magazine
- The possibilities of the color-adjust property CSS - Tricks
- Don't Use The Placeholder Attribute Smashing Magazine
- How to Lead Better User Interviews thoughtbot
- Focusing on Focus Styles CSS - Tricks
- Building a Good Download… Button? CSS - Tricks
- How to build a cloud-hosted accessibility testing Windows computer using Amazon WorkSpaces 24 Accessibility
- How accessible is your website for the disabled? Consider doing an audit to find out Poynter
- Consistently Inconsistent: When the Most Accessible Experience is Different for Each User Cantina
- ARIA is Spackle, Not Rebar CSS - Tricks
- Keeping track of letter-spacing, some guidelines CSS - Tricks
- Equifax Data Breach, Credit Freezes, and Beholden Design ericwbailey.website
- Make technology work for you, not the other way around The Human in the Machine
- Let’s Talk About Speech CSS CSS - Tricks
- Crafting a chatbot people will use: Part 2 Cantina
- Crafting a chatbot people will use: Part 1 Cantina
- An Introduction to the Reduced Motion Media Query CSS - Tricks
- Improving the User Experience of IoT Firmware Updates Cantina
- Building a better button in CSS Cantina
- Accessible SVGs in High Contrast Mode CSS - Tricks
- Instituting a culture of accessibility in your organization: Part 2 Cantina
- Organizational buy-in on Responsive Design Cantina
- Instituting a culture of accessibility in your organization: Part 1 Cantina
- Battery Status API: We need to talk Cantina